You're Not An Ordinary Fellow!
I've finally found a non-food-aquisition-related exercise that isn't as boring as watching paint dry. This is a good thing.
See, back in the days when we had to expend great amounts of energy to catch or gather the food we ate, nobody was fat. Seriously, have you ever seen a drawing of a fat caveman? I've never met a fat farmer, at least not one that didn't hire all of his labor out to people (who, by the way, weren't fat). The problem we have is manifold:
- Food is plentiful.
- Food requires almost no energy expenditure to obtain.
- Practically nothing we do or need requires any energy expenditure.
As a result, lots of people are fat as compared to a century ago or two centuries ago. Actually, even 50 years ago, there were not as many fat people in the United States as there are now (by percentage of population).
Okay, so what are we to do (assuming this is a bad thing and that we need do anything, which it is and we do)? Well, there's only one thing that works. And any diets or programs that actually do work are actually based on that one thing. Energy in (food) must be equal to energy out (activity) in order to not gain weight.
So, it turns out that I'm fat. And I need to lose weight. What's the prescription? Eat right and exercise. Eating right I can mostly handle, that's just calorie counting in some form. The exercise part sucks. I hate exercise. Not because I'm lazy, but because most exercise seems really pointless and it's pretty boring. Riding a stationary bike accomplishes nothing real, other than expending energy. The treadmill is especially boring; it's walking to nowhere.
I get some exercise because I ride the bus and thus I walk every morning and every evening, but that's not enough. Enter DDR. Dance Dance Revolution, if you don't know, is this video game that you play with your feet. It's a lot of fun, and on top of that, is an excellent aerobic workout.
I try to play it for an hour or so every day now, and I'm not bored with exercise any more. This rules.
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